
The Help Articles below are meant to help you to diagnose issues, find the part you need or to help you with any repair or maintenance issue. They contain step by step instructions to make the process easier.

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What Outlet Valve Seal Should I order to fix a leaking tank

To fix a leaking Outlet (Flush) Valve or for regular tank maintenance you may need to replace the Seal at the bottom of the Valve.  The easiest way to find the right part is to simply take the tank lid off and look at the shape and color of your Outlet Valve.  Look below and find the outlet valve that matches yours.  The Valve Seal for that outlet part is listed below each image, and if you click on the Seal image or name you will be taken directly to our parts store where you can order.  


If you have this WDI Valve Pictured Above,  Order the 687242 Seal


If you have this WDI Outlet Valve as Pictured Above: Please Order the 30795 Seal


If you have an M5 Valve as pictured above, please Order Valve Seal #750017


If you have a Hi-Flow Outlet Valve as pictured above, please Order Outlet Valve Seal 405006


If you have a Geberit Outlet Valve as pictured above, please Order Outlet Valve Seal #750017