Our icons

Throughout our catalogues you will see icons, providing instant product information. Here is the definitive guide to those icons and what they represent.


Two piece toilet
A two piece toilet is crafted in two pieces. The tank and the bowl are separate items that are connected during installation to form a complete toilet suite. 

 A two piece toilet consists of a separate tank and bowl, that are connected by a seal.

 A one piece toilet - crafted as one piece, including the tank and bowl.

Benefits of a two piece toilet design are:

  • generally less expensive than a one piece toilet
  • lighter and easier to install
  • often smaller, easier to fit into a smaller space

The downsides of two piece design:

  • they often, but not always, feature a more basic design
  • there is a physical gap between the tank and bowl, creating an area that requires more cleaning and maintenance to prevent germs and odours
